Thursday, January 14, 2010

The Scream Heard Throughtout The Courtyard

It was announced - 2billion dollars to host Olympics - and a hush fell over the city.  It was announced - taxes will be raised to pay for it - a hush fell over the province.  It was announced - You will have to wear your snowpants as part of official Olympic uniform whenever you appear in public including the  3 hour (each way) bus ride from Vancouver to Whistler each day - a scream was heard throughout the courtyard of the quaint litle townhouse where I live.  It must be some sort of joke.  Given that they constructed the snow pants so that there is room for my skin and light underwear only, the thought of wearing them while sitting on a bus for 6 hours is not what I would call appealing.  Snowpant sweat will not endear me to anyone.  Not to mention, one hit of the brakes and we all go sliding into the aisle.  Might be a good way to meet people but I am shy.

I was assured that as a member of "Club 99" - named after the highway we will be travelling each day, I will enjoy refreshments and entertainment on the trips.  Given that two of my shifts start at 8am and the fact that I have to be up at 4am to be at the bus pick-up zone for 5am, I would suggest to the planners that they better have some damn fine refreshments and entertainment or I might tend towards cranky whilst sitting in my bubble wrap snowpants.  I hope for all concerned they are adding Irish cream to the morning coffee and that their form of entertainment does not include some poor schmuck playing a banjo in my face before dawn breaks.

It may appear I am complaining, you are correct.  I think I am complaining more to the warped sense of style some guy at the Bay came up with for the snowpants for "average" sized woman.   You will be able to see for yourselves soon.  I am having a professional portrait done in uniform by my friend Luisa who is a well known phtographic artiste' - at least well known by her friends and family.  I hope to have it up by this weekend - once all the re-touches are complete.

thanks for the comments and keep them coming.  To my wonderful sister-in-law, Angie, I would love to change the background but I am afraid I don't know how.  I will see if I can scrounge up the required 5 year old to help.  I think if people sign up as followers, you get automatic notices of updates (at least thats how it works with the Rick Mercer blog).

Be back tomorrow.

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