Sunday, August 22, 2010

A learning weekend

I learned something new this weekend.  I now know what a "happy pack" is.  When my bus broked down on Hastings street across from Pigeon park and the homeless mission and I was waiting for a new bus, I was approached by a young man with enough piercings so that should he insert a garden hose in his mouth, he would sprout leaks.  His sales line was " you look like a gal on her way to a happy place."  (must have been my fanny pack, camera and the kicker - the pass to the PNE in my hand).  "I could make it happier for you by offering you this one of a kind offer of this weekend's happy pack for tourists.  For just $50 you can purchase a whole lot of fun - 2 percocet and 2 fentanyl (?)."  Well, you learn something new every day.  My idea of a happy pack is 2 Kitkats a Mars Bar and a coffee crisp.

It seems that a number of my fellow travellers were also surprised to hear of the happy pack.  After a number of "Sorry Full" busses passed us by, we were finally able to get on another bus to take us the rest of the journey to the opening day of the PNE.  It was a great day.  I sat outside Empire Stadium for an hour or so and listened to the Beach Boys followed up by a trip on the Roller Coaster.  Love that thing.

I spent the next 5 hours wandering around, watching the Super Dogs and of course eating.  A new thing this year - deep fried jelly beans.  They have set up beside the paramendics booth in case any of that heart attack on a plate makes an appearance.  I had my annual funnel cake which only required a couple of Rolaids.

Around about 7:30 I went to the beer garden to listen to Nearly Neil.  He is actually not half bad.  However, it seems you are not allowed to sit in the beer garden if you do not order a drink.  It was time for me to leave anyway.  I had an 8pm appointment to go watch Kevin Costner perform,  Each night, the centre stage is filled with performers for the price of your fair entrance.   Saturday was Kevin.  I really didn't expect too much.  I just wanted to stare at him for an hour or so.  Turns out, it was better than I expected.  He was backed by a really great band.  I hadn't realized that he had such a southern twang.  It was quite enjoyable sitting on the grass, eating my annual Gyro and listening and staring at Kevin Costner.

Now that I have had my own time at the fair by myself, I will go back with the grandkids during my week off (5 more sleeps), My trip to the fair, knock on wood, did not result in anything broken this year- no toes, ribs, ankles or feet.  I feel pretty safe now that I have tested it, to take the kids to the fair this year.

By the way, on Sunday we discovered that Sears has a sense of humour.  I took my brother Kris to Sears to purchase a new vacuum cleaner (blew mine up on Saturday - literally),  We drove downtown and parked in the handicapped spot right across from the sign that pointed  to Sears.  Turns out, they put the handicapped spots beside the stairs with the elevator on the other side of the parking lot.  It was like " we'll give you the spots because by law we have to, but we don't have to make it easy for you to come inside." 

Ah well, all in all a very good weekend.  5 more sleeps till holdiay.  Stay tuned.


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